TransferReady’s Step2 Practice Papers are designed to follow on from our Step1 papers as you prepare your child for the Northern Ireland SEAG Transfer Test. Our Step2 tests are packed with carefully chosen questions examining more than half of topics in the actual exam. Requiring only 50 minutes, these tests are made to fit around your busy family schedule. Each of the ten practice papers ‘look and feel’ just like the real thing but with a carefully selected two-thirds of the content of the full exam which your child will have mastered mid-way through their P6 year.
With Step2 tests, they can continue to hone their examination technique when they are still studying new skills in school. Our unique stepped programme helps build confidence, speed and examination skills while your child is still learning in class – a proven ASD-friendly approach which helps avoid unnecessary frustration for your child.
TransferReady’s practice papers are the perfect way to prepare for the Northern Ireland Transfer Test. When you have completed Step1, you move to our 50-minute Step2 papers before moving on to the 60 minute Step3 papers. The Step3 papers will examine the entire syllabus and get you ready for sitting the full length past papers and, of course, the November exam.