Shortening Phrases

Contractions in the Transfer Test Example

Grammatical contractions are created when letters are dropped from commonly used phrases and replaced with apostrophes. These often reflect the way we speak and occur in commonly paired words (such as could have) that we tend to pronounce as a single word in spoken English (could’ve).

Double contractions often occur in spoken English as people tend to slur three words together. An example might be should not have being contracted to shouldn’t’ve. If you think that this looks odd, then you are correct – these are not considered good written English and should never be written out.

In the transfer test, you must be able to recognise common contractions, and replace the missing letters. This may also be tested with a deliberate error in a passage that you will be required to spot.

Alternatively, you may be presented with the original un-contracted form of the phrase and asked for the contracted form. This is tested in the worksheet below so have a go at that now.

Contractions worksheet below



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